And there are a lot of them out there to call. Pretty much everything the bearded comics writer has written has now been collected, or is at least available somewhere (including – as you can see – his Future Shocks for 2000AD). Considering the nature of comics work, especially the bitty nature of it in the UK, this is pretty good going.
BUT IT IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THE BOYS OVER AT 4 COLOR HEROES. Nope, they became aware of a strip that Alan did at defunct music magazine Sounds in the early eighties. And they wanted it. And thus started the Sounds Project, to try and get hold of and scan all the Sounds strips. Written as Curt Vile (DO YOU SEE!!!) there are predominantly two strips: Roscoe Moscow in “Who Killed Rock’n’Roll” and then “The Stars My Degradation”.
Posted partially because it is possible FT readers might be able to contribute. Also posted because it is instructive to see this earlier work, even if it is in bits and of its time (beware clicking through to that page if easily offended by satires of racism which may go a bit too far themselves). If I had to say it reminded me of any current writer, then Al Ewing’s “The Reader” springs to mind, similar kind of messy gusto to the work. And Al’s beard is almost as big.
(Link nicked from Rich Johnson.)
haha i mentioned these stories at ILC!
They were mostly with ‘Pedro Henry’, who is Steve Moore (standard disclaimer: no relation), and Alan drew at least as much as he wrote. The latter strip also features the first appearance of Axel Pressbutton, who Steve Moore revived in Warrior.