… and I have eaten it! Hooray!
I discovered a week or so ago that my employer is good friends with a Sussex butcher, who has the honour of being twice voted Britain’s Champion Sausage-Maker. Obviously it took no deliberation whatsoever before I put an order in. A cursory glance at the menu reveals all sorts of delights, including Thai Chicken, Tomato and Basil and Apricot and Pork. Being a traditional sort, I immediately went for the traditionaly Sussex Village option. Because
a) It’s the one what won all the awards
b) They have GIN in them
They arrived a few days later – I cooked them for myself and my housemate in a no nonsense manner with mash. Within a bite, we both agreed the hype was deserved. They retain every bit of moisture throughout the cooking process, felt like they were made with actual proper meat, and somehow manage to taste of three or four things all at the same time. Including gin. Not bad for three quid a packet.
The cider, apple and pork ones now look very tempting. Tragically, it doesn’t appear that you can order them over the internet as yet. Time to start an online petition, I think…
Does he have a name or address or a phone number so we can call him up and say “A half hundredweight of GIN sossidges NOW my good man”?
This is like saying “That band who is a mate of a mate won the Brits!”
not only that, but he has a website…
although like everyone else my first impulse is YES!! HURRY ME ALL YR FLAVOURED SOSSIDGES NOW sour experience has taughten me that
i. cheap supermarket sossidges are often better (hurrah you can taste the hog anus!)
you are WRONG, cheap sossidge = DREADFUL sossidge, you’ll be telling me you cook them in 15 minutes next (rather than the fort/slater-approved HOUR AND A BIT)
i am unconvinced and
fiteer cite the HUMBLE FISHFINGER in my defencethe humble fishfinger cannot be compared to TEH NOBLE SOSSIDGE…
(haha, i’m totally having 1 x fishfinger sammich for my tea tonight though ;))
Cheap sossige is the business in certain (hungover and caff-based) circumstances. But generally Carsmile OTM.
I allow a half hour for sausage cooking.
I put them in the microwave and zap them til they explode with MOLTEN SOSSIDGE FAT everywhere.
Food Science day may well be investigating exploding food in a microwave this year. Including an experiment I have always wanted to do: Cola Rollerballs in ver Microwave.
Pete we have 1xSPARE MICROWAVE for this frankly dangerous experiment! I attempted to palm it off on Al last time he was down but he wasn’t having it. So it’s the dump or science (and then the dump).
oh! we came up with an excellent Food Science idea at YMOF’s housewarming but i forget what it was :(
also: shall we use mysteriously procrastinated write-up of atommick egg to introduce this year’s FS?
I am a big fan of cheap supermarket/caff sossidge but then again I am a fan of almost all cheap processed meatstuff, kebabs excepted.
If the Good Lord had not intended us to eat hog’s anuses he wouldn’t have given them a digestive system.
Glad I found this site and link to Alan. When you say cheap supermarket scoff I hope you dont include sausages…
look mates – the best sausages are martins in carnwath
and – by the way – you will NEVER see or buy a better burger(10oz) anywhere – including the fat americas.