RIP Helen Cresswell, author of The Bagthorpe Saga, which made me larff so much as an 11-year old that I’ve never dared go back and try reading it again.
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Books two and four (“Absolute Zero” and “Bagthorpes V. the World”) hold up really, really, REALLY well; I’ve read ’em again and again. Perfect balance of plot, character, and hilarious set pieces. Seriously.
Higledy pigledy pore ded hen Yore fethers will never com back agen. 1763-1807
(Found this post by Googling “all the bees are ded.”)
I actually did re-read them – well, books 2-4, which were what I had as a kid – between posting this and now. And they do stand up well!
Hoorah – glad to hear it. :) You’re right in your other post about “Ordinary Jack,” though – I re-read that one several years back and was disappointed.
Lovely – and only quite recently written – review of the Saga here that I’ve just found:–review-a281370
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