The first of my generation has made it. While shopping with my mum today in Tesco, we/she bought Gwyneth Herbert‘s album. Gwyneth was in the year above me at uni. In fact, the first thing I ever ‘reviewed’ was a gig of hers. She was in a band called ‘Lady G’ and was performing at a ‘Battle of the Bands’. She won and I wrote a long, waffly piece asking myself why music was so wedded to domesticity (house, garage, lounge etc etc ha ha). Oh, how things change…

If you click on the bio section of the site, there’s a fair bit about this era of Gwyneth’s musical development. There was more in an article in the Sunday Times the other week. I was a part of that ‘scene’. Kinda. If you don’t hear from me soon, I’ll be writing the exploitative revelations for serialisation in Record Collector.

N.B. The album is quite good. ‘Fever’ is excellent. You can get Official Gwyneth Herbert ringtones. What more do you want?