Actual, real live pub science promised this evening at London’s Dana Centre with their Pub Guide to Genetics. “Find out why DNA can be delightful with genetic blonde Portia Smith, who will be introducing genetics with chromosome cakes and[…]
Bit Of Fun Watch has a surprising detour via Proven By Science and our old favourite (though we never go there) The Dana Centre. NExt week on the 10th they have an evening lecture entitled: BINGE DRINKING: Epidemic or Bit Of Fun. The Dana Centre is a[…]
Top Five things in Science – Ever “The Comedy Research Project aims to prove the hypothesis that science can be funny.” A little late, as it’s a show tonight at PBS fave* The DANA Centre, but it’s on the 15th and 22nd to[…]
If science is the new punk rock then I think the Dana Centre wants to be the 100 Club. I have not been yet, but they seem to be trying awfully hard to be intelligent, fun AND grown-up. This seems to work on the basis that controversy is the best way […]
“KINGDOM OF NOT (5.26): This is not about a kingdom which is in the past, but it is about a kingdom called Not, which although it is not, yet is.” — Sun Ra, rec.1956, released as Saturn 204; rereleased as Super-Sonic Sounds, abc/impulse[…]