i wub hackney part #238457
ok so stelfox suggested we go to this newish vietnamese place on mare street, and between us as seasoned public cuisineers being maybe more showoffy adventurous we picked choices we probably wouldn’t have done if we’d just been getting takeaways, and even though i wussed away from “steam stuffed snail w.pork&mushroom (‘c h’p l’ x’)” and “gilt head snapper in pish sauce w.mango (c’ ch’p chi’n nu’c m’m xo’i)”, i could not resist “braised mekon catfish in caramel (c’ b’ng lau kho t'”) AND I WZ RIGHT IT IS DELICIOUS!!
so big up dave for the original suggestion (and a nice chatty evening) and big down my keyb for not having enough accents to do vietnamese korrektly and yes i know “pish” is only a funny typo on their menu