Archives – 2008 – January  

The Backside Of Beyond
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There is a time in any on-going space opera type science fiction drama when they bump into aliens who claim to be God. Or Gods. Or are just generally ridiculously powerful so they act like gods. Which can only usually mean another thing. They are als[…]

Cheap Food We Love (Ponce Edition): Zits On Toast
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Hold on, say you, in what way is the horribly named Zits On Toast ever going to fit into a poncy edition of occasional FT food column “Cheap Food We Love”. Well Zits On Toast is what an acquaintance of mine once named what could otherwise[…]

The GerMan With The Maus
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Apparently the US version of the IT Crowd may well be on hold. This is a pity because as much as I had a soft spot for the UK IT Crowd, I always thought it fluffed its concept slightly. Perhaps there was not enough demarcation of characters, it lunge[…]

In Which I Staunchly Defend My Employer
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US business mag Advertising Age has a column by Larry Dobrow laying into Pitchfork. Ordinarily this wouldn’t get a link, but the specific example of really awful writing they’ve chosen is by me! – my capsule review of Groove Armada […]

Freaky Trigger and the Lollards of Pop – Series 2, Week 9
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Nuncle Carsmile Steve presides over an hour of the finest radio lolling with his consummate guests (they were consummated in the studio) Magbot Anderson, Eli Sessions and Kat Stevens. In this episode of theme-time radio some stuff happens, I know not[…]


dolly o’ the wood
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while our whirring engines prepare the latest edition of the Lollards of Pop podcast (broadcast last evening on Resonance FM 104.4), engorge your minds upon this vision of apocalypse by Minnesota artist Joseph Sinness, o readers:[…]

The Poptimists Cookbook
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It will be no surprise to our readers that despite much food science and interest in cooking, the FreakyTrigger Cookbook is still a few years away. But it behooves me to remind contributors and anyone using a recipe on this site of the following:


Alien vs Public Relations* vs Planet Terror
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AVPR, or Alien vs Predator: Requiem was always going to be a terrible film. There was probably no way of making it any good, as a sequel to a double franchise smooshing melange of an idea already done better in a comic. The gestation of such a film i[…]

Taking The Temperature (OUT OF MY BRAIN)
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I am not one to mock the afflicted, unless the afflicted are
a) a wonky eyed singer*
b) a one armed drummer
c) a rhombus faced popstrel
d) the blind – when the blind in question are Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder
e) actually I’m probably go[…]

unholy substitutes for muzak: #1&2 (my local) pret and (my local) somerfield
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ok my local pret — the one in angel — generally plays reasonably demanding jazz (ie hard bop mostly not “smooth”): this seems to me quite a daring move, given that (surely?) more ppl willingly dislike jazz than like it? (at le[…]


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  1. Really enjoyed the series of blogs so far , seems informed balanced yet not afraid to point out where things…

  2. It was clearly a Steve Austin clone---with a few facial close-ups heavily reminiscent of Lee Majors---but it's pulp-dramatic overkill was…