Archives – 2006 – March  

JABOF; the instinct years
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Freshly (and admiringly) gobsmacked w.the news — via tireless anti-attenborough activist dr vick — that the disney zoo is divided in four sectors, AFRICAWORLD, ASIAWORLD, DINOWORLD and MICKEY&MINNIEWORLD, i have to report that (as so[…]

Hooray – The Best Of British Design
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Is HALF FRENCH. Winner of the BBC wots design good for award is Concorde – a notably English word there. Well done Half French Half British British Design winner.
(I wonder if this was done in France if Concorde would even come close?)[…]

Who Is Jamie Kane?
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Maybe he was a member of the Kane Gang? Pat Kane’s secret, slightly more talented brother. Or is it a “whole new way of gaming”. Well, I doubt that. But as a way of wasting time at work – maybe Jamie Kane is the future.
Find o[…]

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the latest white house scandal is developing an EVIL TWIN twist!![…]

Confectionary Complexity Conundrum
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First there was the Kit-Kat (it killed babies but was damn tasty).
Then there came the Kit-Kat Chunky: like a Land Of The Giants version of one Kit-Kat finger. But it retaine dthe red branding and was, on the whole, decided to be the most sucessful b[…]

Around The World in 80 Lousy Tunes, Day 61: Stanley
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You would think I would be used to traveling by boat after the last few months, but this trip felt like an age had passed since I left Japan. The boat was a piece of junk, which in retrospect might have been better if it was an entire junk. But the M[…]

Sorry Ana
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Reading the Sight & Sound review of Syriana (handily on-line here) you get the feeling that reviewer Ryan Gilbey did not want to like the film from the off. And I don’t really have a problem with that. A review is very much a negotiation o[…]

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Not some mad fantasy born out of Dave Boyle’s World Cup Spreadsheet (TM), but REAL RESULTS from the Pop World Cup, which has been running in the parallel universe of the Poptimists LJ Community for eight weeks now and has just reached the end o[…]

Proper Science
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It’s Ig Noble time again. Which can only mean it time to laugh at silly scientist proving stuff that is obvious or useless – eh? God those brain-boxes would probably get run over if left to their own devices on a normal street, showing St[…]

Punk 4 Sale
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Have you been to Selfridges recently (and I don’t mean its dreadful flash heavy website)? The department store which has never had the balls to use “We don’t just sell fridges” as a slogan, has turned all punk. There are effor[…]


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  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…