Archives – 2001 – October  

Freaky Trigger
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Freaky Trigger updates! — wahey, took me long enough. But you can and should take great pleasure in Anthony Easton making his bow for us with a review of Bran Van 3000’s new album, and a darn good CD it seems to be. Our belov’d le[…]

STAIND — “It’s Been Awhile”
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STAIND — “It’s Been Awhile”
Rock bands (the epitome of masculinity, some might say) getting weepy and sensitive (in other words, feminine) sells a lot of records. It’s crass, it’s sappy, and it’s often insuf[…]

EMPEROR – “Thus Spake the Nightspirit”
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EMPEROR – “Thus Spake the Nightspirit”
Really, if primitive garage sludge is all that interests you, just spike your hair and spray-paint me an anarchy symbol. Those who complain about black metal becoming pomp and pageantry are co[…]

At last!
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At last! Thousand reaches its end! More of a whimper than a bang, but at least I finished it.[…]

I am now pretty determined
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I am now pretty determined that I’m going to finish Thousand today. Wooo! This instalment is considerably better than the one that went up earlier this morning. I have about twenty songs to go. Keep your eyes peeled.[…]

A particularly feeble
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A particularly feeble penpenultimate instalment of Thousand: I wouldn’t bother reading it.[…]

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Thousand: this morning’s update.[…]

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KENNA – “Hellbent”It’s a very simple song, alternating between dreamy, ambient verses and chunky, 12/8-driven refrains, along with a simple 303 bridge. Doesn’t sound like mush to describe it, but Kenna appears to be one[…]

Rebellious Jukebox
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Rebellious Jukebox: Jess Harvell, ILE gigolo and Arthur Russell fan, has restarted his music blog. Will Oldham, Nick Cave, John Coltrane – check it out. While we’re at it – no, I don’t know when ILM and ILE will be back. I don[…]

It looks like the end of
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It looks like the end of A Thousand Songs is nigh (certainly it is if I keep doing two updates a day!). But I should mention that due to extra downloading since the experiment started back in January I actually have 1,053 songs to listen to before I […]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…