2005 is the Einstein Year

And what better way to celebrate the life and achievements of one of the greatest physicists than: The Einstein Flip. A revolutionary way of putting many of his theories on space-time convergence to the test, the Einstein Flip is a way of rapidly discharging semi-conductors to effect quantum states to the extent that the energy discharged from mass is almost loss-less.

Oops. Sorry. The Einstein Flip is actually a stunt on a BMX. Apparently them high ups involved at the Science Musuem thought that the International Year Of The Physics was not the kind of name that would attract the hard to market (physics) to 11-14 year old group. Whereas the Einstein Flip will be shown over and over on RAD on Five and help ensure more 11-14 year olds are interested in BMX’s. I mean physics.

Other stunts for Einstein Year will include Bam Margera grinding round a black hole, Britney Spears demonstrating wave/particle duality via the medium of marriage and Ashton Kutchner inventing a way to transport himself to parallel universes, each time mucking his life up in more and more entertaining ways.