Strange Appetites

I’ve had the flu all week. It’s been getting steadily worse and yesterday I lost my voice completely. Time for a day off. I rang in and grunted to my boss until he worked out who I was and what I meant. I got up, took some medicine and started thinking about food.

Influenza and Lemsip affects my appetite in strange ways. I started with a couple of fried eggs. With loads of black pepper. A sneezing fit necessitated a change of clothing. I watched some cracking South American football and followed it up with a doze.

I awoke with a start. I’d put Relic Hunter into my Personal Planner for 2.15pm. It was 1.45pm and I had a crazy desire for refried beans. I dashed out to Waitrose and returned with three bags of shopping. I forgot the fucking refried beans! Too bad, at least I hadn’t missed the opening credits of Relic Hunter, which was ace as always. I munched on Pringles throughout.

I had one hour before the next episode and had to bathe and eat dinner.

I shoved a pizza in the oven and ran a bath. I love eating in the bath. Our bath has a fine corner to rest a pizza on. I had Tosca on in the background, the perfect bathing and pizza eating music

The second episode of Relic Hunter was equally brilliant. Tia Carrere had to do battle with a forgotten Bronze Age tribe in New Guinea. The music to that show is beyond reproach.

I slipped in a couple of extra afternoon snacks, quickly clearing away all evidence before my girlfriend came home from work. Then I had dinner.

I’m back at work today, feeling better, and slightly porkier.