Avid readers of Freaky Trigger will be aware that our intermittent at best feature, running down the “Top 100 Songs of all time as voted for in a pub in 2004”. And hopefully haven’t been holding their breath, because they’d be a Long Time Dead by now. Not a hint. So why have we been waiting for so long for this particualr entry. Why number 38?

Well let me show you behind the curtain. No, the list was not broken by Awesome Toys lesser known and not actually real (yet) Do The Fury Boogie. Instead the officially decided Number 38 sat there waiting to be written about. The usual writers looked at it and passed, not being particular fans. But that’s OK, we have an extended gang of people who would happily write about it, who must have voted for it. So we waited for them to write it. And it did not happen. Which can mean only one thing.

Punka – by Kenickie is not the thirty eighth best single of all time. Not even in the rarified atmosphere of upstairs in the Jeremy Bentham after a pub crawl. We have been proven wrong by history because its impossible to write an article saying how good Punka is. So instead, we have a deal for you dear reader.

38 is up for grabs. You have until 12 noon tomorrow to put your own suggestion in the comments thread below, and then we will do a poll to decide what the 38th best single of all time is. Think of it as a dry run for the US election. And whatever wins I will haoppily write how great it is.

ONE WARNING however. If the chosen song turned out to be in the top thirty, it will get moved down and a whole new election will take place. Bearly a warning but keep it in mind. In the meantime remember, Punka – proven rubbish by science…