Club Popular:

Just a reminder that

– Club Popular returns on the 30th September, at the Chapel Bar in Islington, free entry, only #1 hits will be played. 7 until late(ish).
– It will be really good.
– A real actual No.1 pop star might be there. (And no, not Jyoti Mishra) (Though of course he is more than welcome.)
– Guest DJs include, in a startling pop weblog crossover, Plum Drank and Mia Trill from Gel And Weave.
– We have designed a very nice flyer which will go up on the front page as soon as one of us puts it there. It has a cute photo of a small Alan playing Ray Stevens’ “The Streak” on it.
– You really should think about coming to this.
– If you want to place a request, please email, our premium rate line. Requesters are expected to donate a pound to the Grecian Earn fund, surely a small price to pay to hear “Love Can Build A Bridge” one more time.