Archives – Tom  


Aard Labour 16: The Last Day
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This is the 16th of my posts about Cerebus, a 6000-page comic about the life of a barbarian aardvark. It contains spoilers for the final book of the series, and the series as a whole. A 17th, concluding, post is planned.

Previously: The ageing Cer[…]


Aard Labour 15: Latter Days
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This is the 15th of my blog posts about Cerebus, a self-published comic/soapbox by a Canadian recluse. As ever, this post contains spoilers for the story as a whole and the current book, though this particular spoiler warning is probably just a &#821[…]


Aard Labour 14: Form & Void
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This is the 14th of my blog posts about Cerebus The Aardvark. As usual, the posts contain very heavy spoilers for the individual volume under discussion and the series as a whole.

Previously: Cerebus‘ lover Jaka resisted the temptations of a[…]


Aard Labour 13: Going Home
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This is the 13th of my posts about Cerebus The Aardvark, a notorious comic book published between 1977 and 2004. Includes, as always, heavy spoilers for both this volume and the whole series.

Previously: Cerebus has finally left the pub. Reunited […]


Aard Labour 12: Rick’s Story
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This is the 12th of my posts about Cerebus The Aardvark, a 16-book graphic novel by a guy with serious issues. As usual, contains full spoilers for what happens.

Previously: Cerebus spent several years in a pub, enjoying a bromance with his old fr[…]


Aard Labour 11: Guys
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This is the 11th in a series of posts about Cerebus The Aardvark, a 300-issue comic by a troubled Canadian. As usual, contains intensive spoilers and no actual artwork.

Previously: Minds ended the “main storyline” of Cerebus with a con[…]


Aard Labour 10: Minds
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This is the 10th in a series of posts about Cerebus The Aardvark, a 300-issue comic series of some notoriety. As usual, lots of story spoilers, particularly in these later volumes where a lot of people quit reading.

Previously: The epic Mothers &a[…]


Aard Labour 9: Reads
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This is the 9th in a series of posts about Cerebus The Aardvark, a controversial independent comic. This episode has the controversial bit! And also spoilers, as usual, for the actual story both in this book and as a whole.

Previously: Mothers &am[…]


Aard Labour 8: Women
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This is the 8th of my posts about Cerebus The Aardvark, a controversial and long-running comic. This post includes detailed spoilers for Women, for the series as a whole, and for its writer’s philosophy.

Previously: The 50-issue Mothers &amp[…]


Aard Labour 7: Flight
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This is the seventh in a series of posts about Cerebus The Aardvark, a comic I used to read. Spoilers, as ever, abound.

Previously: Dave Sim ended the first half of his 300-issue Cerebus comic with a meditation on death, specifically the death of […]


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