Archives – 2005 – October – 25  

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Art Garfunkel- “Bright Eyes”
There are two songs in the world which are guaranteed to make me cry: Ordinary World by Duran Duran, and Bright Eyes. One is about what it is like not being a pop star any more, something I should find difficu[…]

Cliffs to be hanged, programmes to be made (watchable)
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Way back when I moaned about the ending of 24 season 2. The gist being that for a programme that fed us cliffhangers every week, ending on one was a bit of a gyp. Oddly 24’s sister show in US popularity and ubiquity, torture and thematic conten[…]

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So if it wasn’t God (due to logical fallacy) or Alieums (due to unlikeliness and racking of book in UFOlogy sections of bookshop) who really built the moon. Get this: WE DID! B-b-b-but surely we would remember. A moon isn’t just something[…]

Down in Rangers, surely?
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This is a surprising and enjoyable take on the relationship between a fan and a club, although it betrays a rather fuddled mind, I fear:
“Ties are stronger than they could ever be with a woman. If she goes and sleeps with your best mate, it&#8[…]


The FT Top 23 STRANGE PHENOMENA: No.13 The Kraken
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Or Kraken’s in general. Lord knows how many of them could be down there. Thank the heavens that they don’t pop up, or “Wake” more often. Scary many armed sea creatures, The Kraken is the best of a surprisingly large number of […]

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in order to remind the one who wz in northern exposure that armed gangs when they know they’re under observation may try and change their behaviour, the sweaty maths-nerdy one invoked a somewhat embroadened HEISENBERG’S UNCERTAINTY PRINCI[…]

Latest comments on FT

  1. "Dave Sim sticks the landing." That is my feeling too. As frustrating and borderline unreadable as the last 50 issues…

  2. One thing I think you missed and one thing I have to shamefacedly admit: 1) The Krazy Kat homage, brief…

  3. " ... it’s also an ominous indication of where he’s going as a creator. He’s laying out dialogue so as…

  4. LOL - I'm reading through these, and the "Jaka's Story" one drew my first reaction, and in it I said…

  5. I think the notion that conservatives can't make art is nonsense. J.R.R.Tolkien and G.K. Chesterton are two of my favorite…