Archives – 2000 – October – 26  

Spice Girls “Forever”
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Spice Girls “Forever” – as nylpm should maybe be retitled this week. Just a brief addition to all that has been said – merely on the album title. Can anyone else think of a third installment in a series that was entitled Forev[…]

The A to Z of the UK Chart 2000
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The A to Z of the UK Chart 2000: detailed but alas rather unbitchy look at the players and perils in the UK chart. Very useful though for struggling editors trying to come up with a focus group listing.[…]

about charlemagne palestine
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about charlemagne palestine and types of listening and all:
until the advent of recording in the 20th century, after all, classical music was expected to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most people. so was any type of music that required a sp[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. "Dave Sim sticks the landing." That is my feeling too. As frustrating and borderline unreadable as the last 50 issues…

  2. One thing I think you missed and one thing I have to shamefacedly admit: 1) The Krazy Kat homage, brief…

  3. " ... it’s also an ominous indication of where he’s going as a creator. He’s laying out dialogue so as…

  4. LOL - I'm reading through these, and the "Jaka's Story" one drew my first reaction, and in it I said…

  5. I think the notion that conservatives can't make art is nonsense. J.R.R.Tolkien and G.K. Chesterton are two of my favorite…