For older readers, BREAK THE SAFE factors in one further strength, which is that it seems to be a descendent of Waddington’s long-vanished SPY RING: inherited elements include safecracking, “secrets” as tablets you have to seek out and turn over, and the threat of being spotted down a corridor (actually a tree-lined avenue in the ancestor game, which was set in a city-quarter of embassies). SPY RING had a tremendously enticing cover and a handful of good ideas: each piece was shoulders-and-head of a squat and hunched little spy in a trilby; when your spy was using his radio, you placed a length of copper wire in the top of his hat, plus since the cypher-key was “FISH” you learnt what fish is in a variety of languages. Unfortunately it was very extremely boring to play: BREAK THE SAFE’s pieces are duller design-wise, but it’s genuinely fun to play, or even watch.