Publog Drinking Experiment cont’d.

Following in Pete’s wake I present the effects of getting drunk solely on humble cooking brew Carlsberg:

– positive experience, no great feeling of drunkenness at any point, just a gradual heightening of volume and enthusiasm. It is possible that I would have banged loudly on about the Narnia books without being several pints of Carlsberg to the good, but perhaps with less glee.
– lots of pissing (as you’d expect, to be fair)
– mind felt sharp and stimulated, memory fairly clear the next morning.
– no appreciable hangover.
– did however induce serious hunger. My experiences with premium lager are often worsened by its appetite-killing properties, I end up not eating anything and feel even worse the next day. Carlsberg though led to me scoffing a BLT sandwich and then making two large slices of cheese on toast when I got myself home. Num num (except the cheese was a bit nasty).