Impenetrability of Noh: Acting
a beautiful Noh mask representing a dignified old man
Actors in Noh actors wear masks, so there is no facial expression; they don't vary their
voices at all depending on who they are playing, male or female, old or young: a heavy
old bass-voiced man can play a young princess - he puts on the mask, and that's what he is;
no acting in the Western sense is required. They insist that they must not let their
personality influence the performance in any way. They do not vary their performances at
all: the same role with the same actor will be exactly the same this year and next. Their
gestures are ritualistic and symbolic, and it is sometimes very hard to interpret their
meaning if you do not already know what they signify. The most revered roles, reserved for
the greatest and most experienced actors, are old women who do almost nothing.