Archives – byebyepride  

Blobby blobby blobby
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If this is true, and BB has had Maxwell “shelling prawns to the sounds of Aqua, Chesney Hawkes and Mr Blobby” then can we assume that a) BB is trying to ease the strains of the task by playing dickboy great pop tunes; or b) BB hates fun?[…]

My theory of everything
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It’s not often that Simon Renolds reminds me of Alexis Petridis, but his 10th June comments on blissblog have a definite echo of Petridis’s Lost in Music Guardian Review cover story from last October. As professional music critics both Re[…]

My woman is shite
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At some point in the last week I worked out that Malcolm Middleton is singing ‘My loneliness shines’ on the song called, erm, ‘Loneliness Shines’ which has been all over 6Music, not as I had originally heard ‘my woman i[…]

Coldplay again (and again and again).
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Radio 1’s seemingly never-ending devotion to the Coldplay album — exclusive tracks! interviews! reports on the making of the record! — repeats the farce of their coverage of the Robbie Williams Knebworth concerts. When a section of […]

Culture Wars: one step forward one step back
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Former UN worker barred from charity gig because incorrectly ‘authentic’. If this is true (link from popjustice) then things are worse than we thought. The alliance of bleeding heart crypto-liberalism with the elitism of the arts open up […]

More on the frog.
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I think Tom is probably right when he says on ILX that if it starts a trend of ringtone-themed hits it won’t be a great thing. However, isn’t this the wrong way round to look at things? I’m sure I went on ages ago (probably in a com[…]

Culture Wars: Coldplay vs Crazy Frog
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Some of our readers will remember the cultural enormity of the summer 2000 Spiller / Victoria Beckham chart battle, as memorably covered on popjustice at the time, and whose outcome is recorded here on NYLPM. It is my duty to summon you to do your du[…]

Museum of Pop
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I realised last night that one of the things I enjoy about Eurovision is that it seems like a museum of pop: leaving aside the more ersatz ethnic elements liberally spooned over some of the entrants, this is mostly an extraordinary collage of past an[…]

On the Streets
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One of the things I do like about election time are the posters. I like the posters displayed in people’s windows, although that seems to be less and less common these days. The only posters on our street were ours and the flat across the road […]

Murmurs 1: Wiley = Kylie
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Murmurs 1: Wiley = Kylie
As usual I’m probably the last person on earth to hear the MP3 that’s floating around of Lethal B dissing Wiley over ‘Can’t Get You Out of My Head’ (“merk him with his own rhythm”). N[…]


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