Archives – 2005 – March – 22  


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the one that isn’t dub dob dee = kerensky[…]

The Machinist is a film where Christian Bale plays his old nemesis Nick Dastoor
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The Machinist is a film where Christian Bale plays his old nemesis Nick Dastoor and challenges for thinnest man in the world status. It is a psychological thriller which uses the plot twist du jour (cf Hide’n’Seek and Secret Window) but a[…]

Corporate Social Responsibility.
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Corporate Social Responsibility. Don’t you just love the sound of a phrase that is instantly abbreviated into meaninglessness as CSR. What does it mean? It means that those of us who run bars are socially responsible for making sure that the pu[…]

Mike’s Pop Pilgrimages No.4 – Rachel and James, Manchester
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Mike’s Pop Pilgrimages
No.4 – Rachel and James, Manchester
A different sort of pilgrimage this time. Rachel was a college hanger-on. One of those lost souls who drifts about campus, knows everyone, but doesn’t technically belong the[…]

YES OK I ADMIT IT I like The Bravery
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Or “The Bravery single”. This was the dread revelation that came upon me after buying Now 60, as headphone listening transformed “half-memorable blur on the office radio” into “sharp well-produced pop single”. Web […]

I have never liked Richard Jobson
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He always struck me as a Scottish version of Tony Wilson, though without Wilson’s luck of occasionally helping create something great. Ego is a useful thing, it can get you through an awful lot of self-doubt. But 16 Years Of Alcohol, Jobson&#82[…]

a born bystander’s deliberate legacy
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a born bystander’s deliberate legacy:
Ransome played chess with Lenin (and beat him). As a young geezaesthete in bohemian Chelsea, Ransome hung out with G. K. Chesterton’s brother, as well as future war-poet Edward Thomas. Ransome’[…]

I haf written my first FT essay as such in a while
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I haf written my first FT essay as such in a while — I suspect some will look at it askance. Attempts to talk about things in a broader scale as well as a specific one, so hopefully who the essay is about won’t annoy, well, most everyone[…]

Latest comments on FT

  1. "Dave Sim sticks the landing." That is my feeling too. As frustrating and borderline unreadable as the last 50 issues…

  2. One thing I think you missed and one thing I have to shamefacedly admit: 1) The Krazy Kat homage, brief…

  3. " ... it’s also an ominous indication of where he’s going as a creator. He’s laying out dialogue so as…

  4. LOL - I'm reading through these, and the "Jaka's Story" one drew my first reaction, and in it I said…

  5. I think the notion that conservatives can't make art is nonsense. J.R.R.Tolkien and G.K. Chesterton are two of my favorite…