Archives – 2000 – October – 06  

my secret goal
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my secret goal here is to destroy the remains of tom’s credibility by discussing aaron carter until even the most patient and open-minded of indie fans remove their bookmarks in abject disgust. so away we go…
one review i read of his new […]

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Sacrebleu! Two follow-up albums? Although I guess the Christmas album could count for half, since it seems to be something of a rite of passage for any singer under the age of 17 or so.
There is that one stanza in “Bounce With Me” about […]

did someone say jordy?
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did someone say jordy?: well, investigating a little further, i found that jordy recorded not one, but two more albums after the one that spawned his greatest, and only, hit: one was a christmas album, while details about the other album, entitled re[…]

In the battle of the preteens
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In the battle of the preteens ensuing on the Billboard 200 this week, Backstreet brother Aaron Carter (brother of Nick, who is I think the cute one? oh wait they are ALL the cute ones, except for that one who looks too much like Donnie Wahlberg) lose[…]

If Tom is going to keep gadding about
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If Tom is going to keep gadding about maybe we should get a court order making sure he writes reviews and links full time. This is another classic case of knee jerk legal action, a string quartet with a court order to play together. The Guardian take[…]

A Cautionary tale
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A Cautionary tale. Quiet members of this publog – though their quietness may be explained by their immenent nuptuals – are drinking mates Kate and John. Now hardier and more committed drinkers I thought it would be tough to find, but obvi[…]

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I Hate Music is no stranger to dodgy acronyms. The lousiness of DMX’s soubriquet has already been given short shrift. All that said – yet another rapper has wandered into the insult padock, with not one but two acronym rel[…]

Talk Amongst Yourselves
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Talk Amongst Yourselves: I’m off over the next couple of days. I’d hoped to finish the alphabetical stuff, but the pub got in the way, as it often does. Will the NYLPM team fill the void of my absence with top-quality musical content? We […]

Latest comments on FT

  1. No offense taken! I don't have the ego to have alarms about myself. I do, still, have sufficient fondness for…

  2. Count me as one of the people oddly affected by issue 300. Although... The thing I most remember about this…