Swallows and Amazons Talking Books
The people who own the rights to make audio versions of the Arthur Ransome books can’t be bothered, despite the lucrative enough trade that exists selling to car-driving tourists in the Lake District. All the same, The Arthur Ransome Society (TARS) produces wonderful readings, abridged, but abridged well, of all his work.

OK, forget the worthy book stuff, the reason I’m writing this, is that the reader of the books, and TARS member, is Gabriel Woolf. Better known to me as providing the wonderful voice (and as if it mattered, body) of the most evil entity in the Universe: Sutekh the Destroyer! The clue is in the URL of that last link. And if you follow a link trail on that page you get to www.oh-mummy.com which details a comedy sketch included in the latest DVD releases of Dr Who and the Pyramids of Mars, and then you get such marvels as “I bring you Sutekh’s gift of milk MP3. Pyramids is one of the best remembered Dr Who stories and the scene “I bring you Sutekh’s gift of death” was a key moment in the first episode of Queer as Folk where it was nicely juxtaposed with British Drama’s first ever (?) fisting scene. Marvellous.

PS. Just to justify my hatred of GUI web editors the site above has “DreamweaverTemplates.net” in the title bar! Thanks