There are no links up over on the right hand side of this page. This isn’t some grand we-stand-alone gesture. Apart from anything else, we don’t stand alone. I can’t offer any excuses except to say that I haven’t done anything about it yet and I’m sorry. If you have any ideas, I’m all ears. I’m further humbled by stumbling across a site like plep who seems to gather interesting-looking links at an absurd rate.

Perhaps I can go some way to making up for this by recommending the work-in-progress of our own Anthony Easton: he’s writing 100 Words On 100 Pieces (of visual art). That’s the kind of symmetrical, economical idea for which I’m an absolute sucker, so it pleases me no end to say that it’s a terrific project so far, even at 18% complete. It’s every bit as good as you’d hope, and I’m looking forward to more.