Exploration! After Cabbage’s post about the George’s transformation, finding ourselves in London bridge last night, we decided that we would try going to SHOCK GASP HORROR, Another Pub. After meeting in the dreadful, dreadful Barrowboy and Banker – it might be vice versa but to be honest I would recommend publoggers not to even bother wasting a precious second considering this, we found that about 20.30 that the lights started flashing in an ominous LAST ORDERS signal.

I mean. DUDE!

Of course, their electricity could just have been fuxx0red but this is a risk that all decent drinkers shouldn’t have to take.

So off we went down the road to the Globe Tavern. It’s one of those places which sells peanuts that look more like chickpeas in small tubs. I’ve never seen the point of these! PUB LORE has a whole chapter dedicated to peanuts and pork scratchings that come in packets. It’s like giving you your crisps on a plate! For a while I admit I wasn’t having a great time there… but then at the magickal drinking hour of about 10ish, I realised how damn surreal this pub was. I had been listening and quite enjoying some glitchkore CD for an hour or so – and then when Tom Jones started playing, realised that their CD player had just been skipping, and no-one had done anything about it! I blame this on the fact that I could have gone to see Steward that night, hem-hem. And their radiators were painted in a faux-wood effect so that they matched the walls! And there was a woman, who on the outside looked like a tired City professional, out in a City Bar for a Wine Spritzer… except that she was propping up the bar by herself, with a pint of bitter and a cigarette! It was almost pure genius.

Then we came up with the idea for Goth Eastenders Party – featuring Goth Cotton.

A moral to us all, publog readers – no matter how rub a pub may appear to be – there is always hope.