For Christmas I got Never Had It So Good, the first part of Dominic Sandbrook’s huge new history of Britain in the sixties. Here’s what he says about the project:
“This book seeks to rescue ‘from the enormous condescencion of prosperity’…the lives of the kind of people who spent the 1960s in Aberdeen or Welshpool or Wolverhamption, the kind of people for whom mention of the sixties might conjure up memories not of Lady Chatterley, the Pill and the Rolling Stones, but of bingo, Blackpool and Berni Inns.”
This leaves me both sympathetic and suspicious. Sympathetic because I agree the point of history writing isn’t just to applaud the exciting stuff. Suspicious because the divide is too crude: my Dad, for instance, was an educated middle-class 60s young thing, but until they all closed his regular birthday treat would be a trip to the Berni Inn, and he only owned three pop albums. But then those pop albums included stuff by Dylan and the Doors. The point being that the division Sandbrook makes still gives the canon-sixties too much power, as if taking the Pill or listening to the Stones were magical things that put you beyond the reach of Bernis and bingo. For some people surely they were, for many all these things would have existed in jumbled parallel, fitted piecemeal into a life.
The list of 60s number ones works as a fossil record of one part of British pop-culture activity – going to shops, buying singles. It helps make the jumble real, “Green Green Grass Of Home” next to “Good Vibrations”, Dodd and the Stones in juxtaposition. But taking into account the jumble shouldn’t blind you to the obvious – 1966 is stuffed with hit records that wouldn’t and couldn’t have been made 5 years earlier. “Eleanor Rigby” may be one of them.
One thread running through Ian MacDonald’s book about the Beatles is the idea that they were particularly aware of the unique breadth and size of their global audience, and of what they could do with it. Gestures like “All You Need Is Love” – and maybe “Revolution 9” – only make full sense with this kind of scale as a background. Both sides of this single sound to me like a step in creating that audience – a deliberate reaching out to a wider context than the shining pop scene, a step into Berniland. “Eleanor Rigby” is also a clumsy, but moving, attempt to write about that context.
The brisk orchestral arrangement of “Eleanor Rigby” is tense and fussy, with something of Eleanor’s spinsterish neatness: the strings bring to mind sewing, or sweeping the steps, one of those little daily things you do unthinking, or instead of thinking. They also sound a little like a horror film soundtrack, and “Eleanor Rigby” is cinematic, and it is about horror. It’s Paul McCartney taking one of pop’s smooth-rubbed words – “lonely” – thinking it through, and recoiling. His matter-of-fact delivery is superb: it creates a camera’s length distance (“Look at him working”) that stops us taking the song as melodrama, but there’s enough inflection on the song’s central simple question to let us know that this isn’t voyeurism, that the loneliness people end up in worries him.
(It worries him enough that on “When I’m 64” he goes and makes a gentle joke of it.)
(It worries me, too; but for a lucky meeting here or there I think I could finish up a Rigby. That’s perhaps a reason I?m more sympathetic to Number 1s than records nobody knows.)
“Eleanor Rigby” remains neat to its end, so neat that you might forget that this question of the lonely people hasn’t remotely been answered. For that you need the other side of the single, “Yellow Submarine”.
The vocal in “Eleanor Rigby” squeezes tightly into a gap in its arrangement: “Yellow Submarine”, on the other hand, is meant to be sung along to. For me, more so than “Yesterday”, it’s the Beatles song that feels like it’s always existed, fished out of some collective unconscious in 1966. The air of antiquity comes from the marvellous wheezing production, Ringo’s guileless vocals and the framing story. Of course it helped that I grew up in the 1970s when dungareed men sang “Yellow Submarine” all the time on kids’ TV, though it’s been adapted for football terraces too, testament to its broad appeal and basic virtues.
Intentionally or not, “Eleanor Rigby” and “Yellow Submarine” make a perfect pair. Crushing isolation as the flip of a song that values limitless community – “And my friends are all aboard / Many more of them live next door”. The one set in a drably recognizable town, the other in a fantasy utopia. Recital and singalong. It strikes me that the idea of singing along – with friends, or in costume, or to mantras, or on a worldwide satellite link – is a thread in much later Beatles music. For me though, this big-hearted single is the best expression of what made them great.
Score: 10
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The digression is interesting (and I’m glad you kept it in there), but the review is really, really amazement. I think I can live with the death of NYPLM if that means Popular is going to be this exciting and incisive!
As you say, a perfect pairing. This is my favourite Beatles single.
Who wrote the string quartet arrangement for “Rigby”? It’s amazing – I can’t think of another pop song that uses this voice/quartet combination so well/interestingly.
I doubt anyone will moan at this 10 but FWIW I think that so far you’ve saved them for just the right singles.
Jeff W
I think the story is that the string arrangement was written by George Martin and Paul McCartney while they were recording.
It’s strange that at this time of their careers, the Beatles should release a single containing two of their simpler songs, musically speaking (off the top of my head I think both use only three chords). I suppose the point is that they were trying to do things differently, which didn’t necessarily mean more complex.
I could be wrong, but isn’t “Eleanor Rigby” the only beatles song where none of the beatles play any instruments?
Bza: Revolution No. 9?
Also, Tom this was terrific. More writing about the Beatles like this please!
I can’t follow those comments – brilliant and I couldn’t have put it better even if I’d thoughht of it.
But hey – I spent the 1960s divided almost exactly between Greasby, on the Wirral, and Welwyn Garden City. Neither place exactly the hub of the univers. But I don’t feel at all that the canonical 1960s passed me by. To be young was very heaven!
Tom, we’re just getting to where my real time is starting. I was a folkie at age 12 (hi Rosie, we must be in the same grade; who’s your home-room teacher?), scared of pop. Then I returned to it (still scared). This was on the radio and had made it to number three. I hated “Yellow Submarine,” loved “Eleanor Rigby,” which was basically a folk song – which in my mind apparently had nothing to do with the Anglo-American folk tradition, but with intense songs about life’s problems. I probably heard this as a protest song. It’s just a step from here to Simon & Garfunkel, and once there – face it – you’re on your way to the Velvets and “Heroin” and the Stooges and the rest. All the lonely people. Another year with nothing to do. I’m gonna try and nullify my life. But anyway, I later was embarrassed that I ever found this song profound, and I no longer love it. And I no longer hate “Yellow Submarine.” Not that I like it all that much, but it’s sure better than “Octopus’s Garden.”
Doctor Mod said:
Tom, this is a stunning review, and I’m not going to try to improve on it. Glad to see you back in such fine form!
I’ll admit that I’d never seen the connection between the two sides of the single which, on the surface, seem as unalike as could be. But yes–what you say is true.
“Yellow Submarine” was the party we all wanted to go to–and “Eleanor Rigby” contains our fear that we aren’t invited.
It just so happens that I bought the Sandbrook book myself last month for use in my ongoing research. I think you’re right that most people were a mix of the two sides of the dichtomy he attempts to create–and dichotomies are generally just a template for sorting out the phenomena of existence, rarely an accurate description of the realities of life. The two sides of the record would seem to see how the two sides of this paradigm are connected.
A perfect 10.
What were the berni inns
Berni Inns were a chain of restaurants where you could get a prawn cocktail and a steak and a reasonable glass of plonk at a time when eating out was a novelty for most people. They were a cut above the Wimpy Bar and a family shoppi8ng trip to Watford or St Albans wasn’t complete without lunch at the Joseph Benskin or Tudor Tavern respectively.
In retrospect they seem unbelievably naff but it would be unfair to mock them. They were very much of their time.
Something of their spirit lives on in the Harvester chain.
I never had a bad time at a Berni inn. I have a really vivid memory of Dad’s birthday falling on a Sunday one year and listening to the Top 40 in the back of the car on the way to one. “A View To A Kill” went straight in at number 2 I believe.
Thanks for the comments, I will reply to some a bit later I hope.
I know what I wanted to ask. Eleanor Rigby is pretty short for a single – a tad over two minutes I think – but what is the *shortest* single to get to number one?
Some of the 50s and 60s hits clock in at about 1 minute 40, can’t remember which though.
Google say it’s Adam Faith’s “What Do You Want”, which is 98 seconds.
(The longest Number 1 is Oasis’ apalling “All Around The World”.)
I didn’t know these were the flipsides of the same single! That’s interesting cos ‘Eleanor Rigby’ is just about the only Beatles song I can stand while ‘Yellow Submarine’ kinda encapsulates most of what I loathe about them.
Even then Aretha’s version of ‘Eleanor Rigby’ >>>> original.
lex you are surely just PRETENDING to know what a “flipside” is
This post has been removed by the author.
I have little to add here, except that I never want to shop to “Eleanor Rigby” (not a prettified instrumental version but the real thing) again as it is just too sad; a world of people doing things for no apparent reason, like you said Tom, with poor Eleanor ignored even after her death! I don’t know if I can give it a 10 because it actually is so depressing, but I can’t find much fault with it.
I like “Yellow Submarine” as a nonsense song, though I was so scared by the Blue Meanies in the movie as a kid that I was relieved by the (necessary) jolly seaside hoedown and don’t/didn’t see it as too mindless.
Welcome back Tom!
Stephen, with Revolution No 9, that’s only true if you don’t count the fader as an instrument.
Tom, this is an amazing piece of criticism, really first rate. I never thought of these songs going together in quite this way either. Maybe as reality/escape, but never quite as near the same thing. I’m not sure that Yellow Submarine is about community, though, except as a “Let’s all get out of here together” drug utopia sort of thing (wasn’t Yellow Submarine a name for a particular type of amphetimine?). Someone mentioned Octopus’s Garden, and the two could almost be seen as a progression (with the cold bath of Magical Mystery Tour somewhere in the middle) from an optimistic belief in group escape to a desire to hide away from just about everybody except your most intimate friends. I’m not sure you’d find Eleanor Rigby on board the Yellow Submarine, but you might well find her moping in the Octopus’s Garden.
I forgot to mention the most important thing about “Eleanor Rigby” (well, most important to Jordana, Lia, and Michaela Ryerson in 1999), which is that Paul pronounces church as “chuhch.”
Good review, Tom, and amen to that 10.
I don’t want to break the rules or anything, but this immediately set me thinking about the greatest of all the Beatles singles – which, curiously, only made it to Number 2 (as I’m sure you’re aware).
Couldn’t you make an exception for Penny Lane / Strawberry Fields? There are parallels with Eleanor Rigby / Yellow Submarine. I’m not sure which piece of rubbish kept it off the top spot (Humperdinck?) but I don’t think we’d miss very much if you muddled the numbers just for the one week…
Like the reviews Mate. Keep them coming. ‘Eleanor Rigby’ IS one of my favourite songs by the Beatles. I do find that due to my constant mood change, their earlier tracks have more of a ‘real life’ feel about them, and even today, I heard a Beatles song whilst dozing and heard more than I ever thought there was within the music??????? (It seemed someone had put an extra instrument on the track, when in fact, it’s been there all the time).
[…] Da Capo Best Music Writing 2006: look ma! It’s me! Regular readers of Popular will of course have no need to buy this excellent book (erm, other than to read all the even better stuff by Greil Marcus, Frank Kogan, Miss AMP, J Edward Keyes, Dave Tompkins and lots of other people) as they’ve already read my piece on “Yellow Submarine” and “Eleanor Rigby”. But this is still quite exciting for me as I’ve seen the previous editions of the series in real actual bookshops. […]
And two years later, I add a thought. While there are more flashily drug-influenced and psychedelic Beatles songs – most of them written by Lennon – Yellow Submarine has always struck me as the most ‘stoned’ sounding Beatles song. It’s particularly the draggy beat, but also the monotony of ‘we all live in’ and ‘yellow submarine’, the way the voices barely harmonise and merely seem to drag each other down.
I’m sorry, but I put Yellow Submarine right up there with the Worst Beatles Songs of All Time. It nestles quite neatly in a bucket with “Wild Honey Pie”, and “Oh-blah-Di Oh-Blah-Da”… and there are very few Beatles songs I dont like.
Eleanor Rigby however, is a masterpiece. A brooding, minor-keyed, autumnal song, which can start the hairs twitching at the nape of your neck if you let it. It manages to conjure up an entire lifetime of loneliness in under five minutes. A superb example of minimilistic writing, we have centuries of loneliness, shyness, stoicism, heartache, unrequited love, and death. You can almost feel the dampness of the autumn leaves… its bleak, its a wonderful song.
Why they tied it up with Yellow Submarine is beyond me though.
Would it be fair or accurate to chalk Eleanor Rigby up as our first and probably only “minimalist” #1?
I’m not usually inclined to pigeonhole stuff, but when the Fab Four have provided such a diverse array of music and styles, it almost seems too much of a temptation to regard this alongside the works of Phillip Glass and Michael Nyman.
Tooncgull at #26 calls Eleanor Rigby a masterpiece and he/she is right. The accompanying description is also wonderfully bang on the money. It’s a bleak and beautiful serenade and Eleanor’s pitiful “lonely” funeral is harrowing. I wonder if McCartney was inspired by Kipling when he composed this wonderful song:
Eddie’s Service
by Rudyard Kipling
Eddi, priest of St. Wilfrid
In his chapel at Manhood End,
Ordered a midnight service
For such as cared to attend.
But the Saxons were keeping Christmas,
And the night was stormy as well.
Nobody came to service,
Though Eddi rang the bell.
Yellow Submaine, meanwhile, was and remains one for the kids and there really isn’t anything much wrong with that.
McCartney goes into quite a lot of detail about the composition in ‘Many Years From Now’.
It came out of resistance to piano lessons he was taking. For fear of educating himself out of his way of working, he was ‘vamping’ an E-minor chord and let the melody suspend itself over that. Then came some nonsense words – “Ola Na Tungee/Blowing his mind in the dark/With a pipeful of clay/No-one can say”. Later the first actual line came out of some stream-of-consciousness – “picks up the rice in a church where a wedding has been”. This suggested two things: a cleaner, or an old spinster of the parish. He went with the latter for the poignancy, carried it on a bit with his own experiences of helping old people as a kid (‘Father Mackenzie’ was originally ‘Father McCartney’!), and John filled in the gaps. Eleanor came from a girl from the movie Help!, and Rigby from a shop in Bristol – and maybe from a subconscious memory of a gravestone in a churchyard where he’d played as a lad in Liverpool.
I happened to have reached that page last night, I haven’t gone to town on the research or anything! It’s a fabulous book, I don’t understand why it isn’t better-known. Paul seems like a top, top bloke.
I agree.
I also quite like Ewing’s comments at the top of the article. I think he is resisting what has probably become an A-level cliché, and trying to be more thoughtful and subtle.
John Huston, film director(1973)
Mary Kelly Bluebell, dancer(1988)
Baroness Halah Afshar, academic(2008)
Arnold Wesker, writer(1966)
Hermione Gingold, actress(1969)
Mollie Lee, broadcaster(1971)
Patricia Hayes, actress (1975)
Lynn Seymour, ballerina(1976)
Cathy Berberian, soprano(1978)
Charles Aznavour, singer, actor(1978)
Sir Geoffrey Howe, politician (1986)
Antony Horowitz, writer(2006)
Beryl Bainbridge, novelist(2008)
Ann Pienkowski, artist(2009).
At number two, the unwitting riposte: http://musicsoundsbetterwithtwo.blogspot.com/2011/08/brian-wilson-western-recorders-los.html Thanks for waiting as well as reading, everyone!
The latest episode of Mad Men (season 5: episode 8) makes extraordinary use of a track from the Revolver album – underlining both how ahead and of its time it is/was. It brought tears to my eyes
@lonepilgrim, 33. Yeah, ’twas an awesome music bomb (probably costing half the music rights budget for the entire season just the way Satisfaction did in Season 4!). I wonder whether even what you’ve written so far constitutes a bit of a spoiler though…
So farewell then Geoffrey Hughes, aka Eddie Yeats, aka the voice of Paul in the film “Yellow Submarine”.
the USA enjoyed a proto-psychedelic number 1 for a week while the Beatles were at the top in the UK – as celebrated here.
no hurry for the next US number one – as noted here.
Good review. These two songs don’t seem to have much in common at first but I think Tom explained their juxtaposition well. “Eleanor Rigby” in particular is a masterpiece. I sometimes wonder if I could end up a Rigby too – hopefully the friends and family connections I’ve made will prevent that. “Yellow Submarine” is a silly song, but that doesn’t make it bad – I find myself humming it frequently.
Notably, this was one of the few major Beatles releases that didn’t result in a US#1. “Yellow Submarine” peaked at #2 on the Hot 100, while “Eleanor Rigby” made a disappointing #11 (perhaps the subject matter too depressing for an extroverted American audience?).
Not going to argue with Tom’s 10 here.
Critic watch:
1001 Songs You Must Hear Before You Die, and 10,001 You Must Download (2010)
Bruce Pollock (USA) – The 7,500 Most Important Songs of 1944-2000 (2005)
Pitchfork (USA) – Top 200 Songs of the 60s (2006) 47
Rolling Stone (USA) – The 100 Greatest Beatles Songs (2010) 22
Rolling Stone (USA) – The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time (2004) 137
Rolling Stone (USA) – The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time (Updated 2010) 138
Stephen Spignesi and Michael Lewis (USA) – The 100 Best Beatles Songs (2004) 27
The Recording Academy Grammy Hall of Fame Albums and Songs (USA)
Guinness Book of Hits of the ’60s (UK, 1984) – Paul Gambaccini’s Top 10 Songs
Mojo (UK) – The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time (2000) 19
Mojo (UK) – The 101 Greatest Tracks by The Beatles (2006) 11
The Guardian (UK) – 1000 Songs Everyone Must Hear (2009)
Uncut (UK) – The 50 Greatest Beatles Tracks (2001) 34
Now & Then (Sweden) – The Beatles’ 50 Best Songs (1992) 4
Gilles Verlant and Thomas Caussé (France) – 3000 Rock Classics (2009)
Peter Holmes, The Sun-Herald (Australia) – 100 Best Songs of All Time (2003) 7
Giannis Petridis (Greece) – 2004 of the Best Songs of the Century (2003)
#29: “Eleanor came from a girl from the movie Help!”
That wasn’t just anybody, that was Eleanor Bron! Cambridge Footlights co-star to Peter Cook, star of The Establishment and David Frost’s Not So Much a Programme, More a Way of Life, and BBC regular in later years. Well I’ll be – I’d never made the connection before. (Another connection: Leo McKern was also in Help!, and Bron went on to appear in an episode of Rumpole of the Bailey.)
I can remember singing along to Yellow Submarine as a kid so it has been a part of my life for almost 50 years and it was something that everyone sung along too, adults and children. It has some of the simplicity and surprise of nursery rhymes with a little bit of Edward Lear/Lewis Carrol thrown in. ‘Eleanor Rigby’ used to scare me as a child and still does to a certain extent. The fear of loneliness, perhaps brought on by the early death of his mother, crops up in songs like ‘For no one’ and ‘She’s leaving home’ and may explain the thumbs up cheerfulness he so often reaches for.
When it first came out, I thought they were singing “Yell Submarine” – A bit like “Say Geronimo”, the not-hit by Sheppard (nothing flops anymore, have you ever noticed?)
Eleanor Rigby’s great, but Yellow Submarine is childish nonsense. 7/10 for the total package.
7/10 for Eleanor Rigby, 1/10 for Yellow Submarine, so an average of 4/10 for me.