Somewhere on my hard drive there’s a track which mashes this song into Girls Aloud’s “Sound Of The Underground”. Like a lot of bootlegs it works as an act of criticism as well as a song: “These Boots” is indeed the knowing mid-00s pop aesthetic, almost forty years ahead of schedule. Take one celebrity starlet and one cynical songwriter, add sass and venom and a lucky bag of tricks, twists and gaps in the arrangement, and release. The opening bassline is heels down a spiral staircase, the final horn kicks are a nervous rush to obey, but really what’s being fetishised here is the single. Like “Good Vibrations” nine months later, “Boots” feels conceived and crafted not as a record of an ideal performance, but as a pop event, something unforgettable that sounds only like itself.
The ingredients might just about be familiar – a cruel but funny showtune sensibility (“truthin'”!); the dangerous bassy glamour of Kim Fowley’s teen dramas; the Brit girls’ amused detachment – but they haven’t been combined like this before, and no shopping list can capture the impact of “Boots”. That’s mostly down to Nancy Sinatra, who hardly has to sing the song, just act it. The band, and producer Lee Hazlewood, are canny enough to make the record move, so it doesn’t just become an icy exercise in snark. But still, half of what I love about pop seems to spring from her curled-lip “you” or her single, world-ending “Hah.” So here’s (yet) another definition of a great record: one that you can’t listen to without wanting to live it.
Score: 10
[Logged in users can award their own score]
in my dreams they all get 10
The tension’s been killing me – I thought you never would!
(I’ve pretty much known for ages that the first 10 would be around 1966 cos there are so many amazing songs, but I wanted to let instinct tell me which record it would actually be.)
I definitely agree that this is a ten, but do you really think it is better than “Satisfaction”?
Anyway, good site, great idea, I’ll be a regular here, so hello.
And you were doing so well.
Nancy Pigging Sinatra.
I just hope this is a result of hallucinogens and not your real assessment.
Okay, fine. Not “Telstar” — but then it’s not my football, posts or garden.
Resurrection Watch: Covers include good ol’ Janis Ian and Barry Adamson & Anita Lane; bad ol’ Billy Ray Cyrus and Boy George and various randoms like The Fixx and Megadeth.
Oh, and let us never forget Heaven 17’s choice of vocalist for the Music Of Quality And Distinction BEF reworking?.
Films must be a gazillion, but include Full Metal Jacket, The Mexican, about a millisecond in Fargo, and of course (sigh) Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery — oh, and if you haven’t heard The Crazy Frog’s version… can I swap lives with you? Please?
? [Paula Yates]
Very far from a 10 in my book, alas; I hold this record responsible for inventing inverted commas pop, which on balance has done far more harm than good; in fact pretty much everything I detest about pop has its roots here. All I can hear in “These Boots Are Made For Walking” is a sneer and a spreadsheet.
Like Kane’s Xanadu, even if it’s the most obvious facade in the universe, I still want to believe in it (now there’s a thing – Citizen Kane, the progenitor of inverted commas cinema, and yet the meme works in cinema but not in pop).
It was probably because I was thinking about ‘inverted commas pop’ and its implications that I responded so well to it, Marcello!
I do believe in the facade in this case: or rather, the song makes me want to assume the same facade, which isn’t quite the same thing as ‘believing’ it but is just as powerful. This is very obviously somebody sitting down and thinking, right, let’s make an amazing pop record – it had to be or Nancy’s ‘career’ would have gone down the dumper. I don’t think the obviousness of that lessens the, uh, use-value of the record.
Hello bza! Better than Satisfaction? Not always, no, but on the days I reviewed the two records, yes.
I’m not quite sure that the career of Frankie’s daughter with the laughing face would have been allowed to go down the dumper…this I think indicates the critical divergence between us; “Telstar,” for instance, was Joe Meek watching the news one night and thinking wouldn’t it be nice to write a song about that. Cynicism of any stripe I can’t identify with in pop, except maybe the Leonard Cohen variety.
That having been said, the less Hazlewood and Sinatra strove to make A Hit Record, the better records they made, I think (Sand, Velvet, et al).
“You Only Live Twice” is, mind you, immortal – either in the original lush John Barry-produced form or the fuzzed-up, harsher take on the single version (which Hazlewood produced).
Well, Tom…..
I suppose Morrissey might agree with you–which doesn’t mean that all that many of us will.
This might well be your biggest controversy since–I dread to write the title–“King of the Road.” (Groan)
In my peculiar way I do appreciate that your rating system depends on how you feel on the day you write your critique. I daresay it’s probably true about most forms of criticism, even if we pretend otherwise. (For example, have I, a specialist in British Modernism, always and forever thought that *Ulysses* is the greatest novel of the 20th century? No! But polls of reputedly great literary minds almost always come to that conclusion.
I know I was b^tchy with you about Sandie Shaw’s “Long Live Love.” I know I said, with considerable irritation, that girls just aren’t taken seriously. Today I have reversed myself–this girl is being taken WAY too seriously. But if I were to rely on my feelings today, I’d give Sandie an 8 and Ms. Snotra a 2. Today, yesterday, tomorrow, forty years ago, forty years from now…..
Or maybe it’s because she’s Frank Sinatra’s daughter and I could never endure her father’s vocal mannerisms.
By the way, I once read that during the Branch Davidian siege, the US government forces played this recording full blast and constantly to drive cult members into surrendering. I would surrender just to make it stop. But then, if they had to hear this 24/7, I could even understand why some of them got violent and committed suicide.
It might be apocryphal, but I like to believe it’s true.
Doctor Mod
This post has been removed by the author.
oops sorry yes that wz me! it left my FULL NAKED NAME but not my comment – hence i actually deleted nothin!!
the comment i meant to leave wz:
“my boots” is also better than “ulysses”!1
but it seems less komikal now
Ulysses is not as good as that episode of It Ain’t Half Hot Mum where Sergeant Major Shutup has a go at La-Di-Da Gunner Graham for wasting time reading books “like that Useless by James Joyce.”
I don’t think this merits a 10 – unless it’s a karaoke 10 or a camp classic 10 (here in Toronto there was an all-lesbian group called The Nancy Sinatras who did, yup, mostly Nancy covers). To me it’s a song Bridget Jones would do in a karaoke bar with her best friends cheering along, which is fine, for what it is.
“Good Vibrations” isn’t in the same league – this is a lot closer to The Monkees, I think, though oddly enough, I find it easier to take a manufactured group than a manufactured song.
When the final list of 10s stands revealed, in 2010 or whenever, I suspect most will have a touch of the karaoke bar about them.
Marcello – agreed on “You Only Live Twice”, amazing record, I’m not sure I’ve been aware of two different versions and must track them down.
I’ve more to say about pop and cynicism but will try and save it for an entry sometime.
I think if her singles had kept on flopping Ms S’ career wd have been diverted discreetly away from pop.
The problem I have with giving this 10 is: what do you have left for “The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore”?
Maybe just a place to stick it !
You could call it great camp, but for me “Boots” is so-so pop. Call it pop run through the machine, the same one that Britney uses (just a much older model).
Nice to see “Secret Love” up there. It’s one hell of an under-appreciated ballad.
i dont think its camp, i think its a really great, and complicated anthem of emncipation,
Crikey. I go away for a week or so, and along comes a 10. Hurrah for Tom!!!
PS Please take no notice of Vicus Scurra. The poor lad means well but he clearly has the bass turned down on his stereo…
Mmmm – I don’t see the problem with the image of boots walkin’ all over you at all. Even this though shouldn’t have elevated this record to a ten – it doesn’t sound well crafted but a bit tossed off if you’ll excuse the expression. You Only Live Twice is though, glorious.
You are spot on about the knowing, inverted commas element to this.
One cover version that hasn’t been mentioned is Hazlewood’s own, also recorded in ’66, which adds spoken commentary about the making of the record and the fact that it sold a million. (he doesn’t quite say “Suckers!” but comes close).
And yes, bothe the Nancy and Lee versions would get a 10 from me.
Jeff W
I agree with you Anthony that it’s a song of emancipation (I mentioned it to my mom and she compared it to “I Am Woman”), but it’s still campy and I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an early film/video of it – it’s so dramatic in a near-Vegas way.
(Of course a song can be both campy and be a song of emancipation.)
I just realized no one mentioned my favorite cover of this song: Crispin Glover on his lone record. Creepy…
Ooh, Resurrection Watch update:
Jessica Simpson & Willie Nelson
Umm, isn’t it “These Boots ARE Made For Walking”?
Never thought this song was all that great. I’m more of a “Some Velvet Morning” kinda guy.
I’m with you Tom, although I would have probably put a few 10s in before now as well
It has become campy over the years because we’ve come to associate this subject matter (girls on top, basically) with campiness. Just picking another couple of Number Ones, see also ‘I Will Survive’ or ‘Survivor’. All three, when sung by a woman, are strong statements of empowerment. When sung by a man they become ‘ooh, hark at you, you big queen’.
Alan Connor may be interested to note, for his Resurrection Watch, a cover version by Alan Connor, which you can download here:
Alan Connor may be interested to note, for his Resurrection Watch, a cover version by Alan Connor, which you can download here:
Good Gravy!
I must make sure I’m Google’s #1 for that name!
Meh, it’s alright, I suppose. Doesn’t get me excited in any important way, even after a few re-listens to try and work out what I’m missing.
I’ve been feeling guilty about my knee-jerk negative response to this being Popular’s first 10, and being a conscientious sort I came back to redress the balance.
I can see how it’s a bit historic, in that it’s far and away the SASSIEST thing ever to top the charts. Not that it exactly opens the floodgates for sass in the same way that the Beatles opened the floodgates for Scousers with guitars and silly haircuts, but later on pop will be a lot more about sassiness and girl power so I can see how this does represent some kind of landmark.
Also, that boingy descending bassline thing is awesome, and clearly the makers of Futurama thought so too, seeing as they built their theme music around it many years later.
I always felt the Futurama theme tune leant much more heavily on Jean Jacques Perry’s EVA myself (hear it here:)
Ok – admission time here. Hopefully none of my cool music loving friends will ever know who I am, but I must confess that this is one of my all time favourite songs for a variety of reasons.
Firstly, its one of my earliest memories – certainly my first ever Top of The Pops memory, watching TOTP to see the gimmick of Nancy Sinatra being followed around the set by a clump of empty boots (on puppet strings) once she uttered the immortal lines – “are ya ready boots? Start walkin…”.
Secondly, its a really funky, sneering song with a descending bass that walks all over you in the opening bars, and – well – its kinda kinky with it too. I love it – for me its a 10. It has feminist “attitude” to burn.. (“I just got me a brand new box o’ matches”… ho ho ) – its one of my “guilty secret” favourite songs.
I know exactly 2 Lee and Nancy songs…this one and “Some Velvet Morning”.
“These Boots…” is a big chunk of fun. It’s like an S&M party hosted by Walt Disney. You just know you should be grooving to it, simply because it’s such a groovy song. Something you can get down and twist to on the dancefloor and do that funny eye thing Travolta and Thurman did in Pulp Fiction. Quite the crowd pleaser and guaranteed to put a smile on my face as well as many others. In the context of the year it was released, was it one of the best #1’s? Well, I would have given it an upper 9.
“Some Velvet Morning” is a properly schizophrenic track. Drifting from Lee Hazlewood’s sleazy listening drawl, to Nancy’s airy-fairy ring-around the roses psychedelic waltz. It’s probably one of the weirdest things I have heard from the 60’s. And I love its bi-polar charm.
You’ve got some catching up to do then!
I wouldn’t say I’m a Nancy/Lee connoisseur exactly, I just have one of them “The Very Best of…” Nancy Sinatra compilations. It mainly features songs written/produced (and occasionally performed together with) Hazlewood. Almost all of them are good, with “Some Velvet Morning” being my personal favourite. I think I should dig deeper into Nancy’s discography myself, actually.
And in second place – Thanks for reading folks!
And yet another in second place – Thanks for reading as always!
it’s tempting to think of TBWMFW as a response to the celebration of male double standards that hit number 1 in the USA at the same time, as celebrated here:
“These Boots” was originally written as a song for a male singer, though it’s interesting that the two songs were number ones just one week apart.
Those boots also walked up to Number 1 in the USA, as noted here:
It’s not quite “You’re a Pink Toothbrush”, “The Laughing Policeman”, or “My Boomerang Won’t Come Back”, but for me, it really nearly is. It’s a bit novelty. I can appreciate the the feminist message delivered in a non threatening way, and musically it is a cut above most in the genre. However, in my opinion, it gives everything on the first hearing and nothing to the second. I don’t ever need to hear this song again. I don’t mind hearing it though. 6
I came here via ‘no hard chords’ and was looking for the ’10’ from Tom. I do love the general courtesy of the disagreement here. The FT top 100 singles seem to be littered with abuse (not opinion) I think the chart is great, loads off stuff you don’t see elsewhere, and no one has picked over it to remove choices that might damage someone’s credibility because they are too popular. (I think that might say more about me than you, but I hope you get my point) The next Top 100 albums from Q, will probably feature 95 critically acclaimed ones from the last list, plus 5 new ones from the last 2-5 years. Which is fine, but no surprises, no debate. Anyway I shall wait to be hoisted.
The arrangement is tremendously inventive, from its cartoon cat of a bassline on the intro to the boot-stomping brass on the outro. Lyrically super-sharp too. I don’t hear it is a ‘come on’ myself – it sounds pretty threatening, even before you reach the “are you ready, boots?” pay-off.
Very 1966, very Diana Rigg/Julie Newmar, which puts it more than a notch or two above My Boomerang Won’t Come Back for me.
One question – how ‘country’ does everyone think it is? It’s certainly always struck me that way. More urban than Harper Valley PTA, but cut from the same cloth.
Towards the end of Nancy’s UK Number 1 reign, a different set of boots went marching in at Number 1 in the USA, as noted here.
@41, wichita. It’s never registered as especially country to me. Rather, perhaps because I’ve always thought of the song in connection with its video (and related imagery), TBWMFW’s strongest typing for me is “self-aware tv and movie confections of the ’60s” – Bye Bye Birdie w/ Ann Margret, Jane Fonda as Cat Ballou, Suzanne Charny as The Aloof in Sweet Charity as well as the Rigg/Newmar stuff you mention. ‘Inverted commas’ culture I suppose.
# 41 – Harper Valley PTA is fabulous, especially with the twist at the end revealing that the narrator is the protagonist’s daughter. Back of the net, love!
Also re 1966, Rigg and Newmar and all that, I still maintain that an equal male fantasy must be Janet Leigh’s character from an “UNCLE” episode of that year, Miss Diketon, a panting, shuddering secretary who doubles as an assassin, housing as she does a throwing dagger on a holster high up on her bare thigh. Her deadly work clearly arouses her sexually and there is another scene where she is torturing Kuryakin with an electrified prod. She has promised to “love him to death”. Not even Catwoman went that far. The censorers must have been slumbering to let this go back in the day. Simply glorious.
I amazed that this was a 10.
Working backwards as I am, I have commented on almost nothing (thank the lord I hear you cry) but this isn’t a ten. It’s a seven at best. It’s a novelty single, an “I’m Too Sexy”, a “Je T’Aime (Moi Non Plus)”, a “Sound Of The Underground”.
It isn’t a ten.
It’s a ten
Popular’s historic first 10!
The video is noteworthy for being one of the first music videos in the sense that we would recognize today (as opposed to just a straight performance clip). One time back in the 90’s I was watching some alternative music video show on MTV-2 when apparently someone decided to put this on the air as a lark. The thing that struck me at the time is that it really didn’t seem out of place. “Retro” sound and imagery obviously, but who would’ve guessed that a US/UK #1 from 30 years prior would seem so hip/alternative? Anyway, I don’t think I’d quite go 10 here, but at least an 8 or 9.
Critic watch:
1001 Songs You Must Hear Before You Die, and 10,001 You Must Download (2010)
Bruce Pollock (USA) – The 7,500 Most Important Songs of 1944-2000 (2005)
Pitchfork (USA) – Top 200 Songs of the 60s (2006) 114
Women Who Rock (USA) – Top 25 Girl-Power Anthems (2003) 9
New Musical Express (UK) – NME Rock Years, Single of the Year 1963-99 (2000)
Gilles Verlant and Thomas Caussé (France) – 3000 Rock Classics (2009)
Hervé Bourhis (France) – Le Petit Livre Rock: The Juke Box Singles 1950-2009
Les Inrockuptibles (France) – 1000 Indispensable Songs (2006)
Rock de Lux (Spain) – The Top 150 Songs from the 20th Century (1998) 150
Giannis Petridis (Greece) – 2004 of the Best Songs of the Century (2003)
I’m sure that I can remember hearing this as a child – possibly on Junior Showtime – at which point I associated it with the playground taunt of ‘bossy boots’ that was applied to girls who dared stand up for themselves. I liked it then and I liked it still for its big beat, booming bass and superior attitude. While it does embrace ‘inverted commas’ pop I also think it contains a grain of truthfulness that means its meaning is always unsettled. Saying something serious wrapped up in a joke.
A worthy first 10/10. Well done Tom.