• Coronations are dull things
  • You read enough Vertigo comics in your youth (or, last week) and you have had sufficient for the next decade of ingénue audience identification figures having a world of wonder shown to them by an unreliable trickster.
  • You’re no longer in your late teens, and you’re a little irked at another piece of culture that insists that the secrets of life and the universe are locked in hearts that, looking back, you remember as a little underdone.
  • You are in your late teens, and have plenty of faith in your heart, thanks, but aren’t certain you want it explained to you by someone fading from view of 30.
  • You liked the first line best the first time you read it.
  • You’ve consumed enough media based on Artists and their troubling troubles, and have come to associate it with fundaments and the disappearing up thereof.
  • Related to the above, not looking forward to the issue on the tax system as it applies to the Gods’ earnings.
  • You don’t do social media, and dislike the implication that you’ve bought the DVD when you could’ve had the Bluray.
  • You can come up with your own objections, and don’t see a lot of value in a strident, and soon to be foolish, character raising them for you.
  • You’re only reading comics where a significant character has a BMI over 25.