MOUNTAIN – Nantucket Sleigh Ride

I’ve never been to Nantucket – but I’ve always assumed it would just be a mixed up version of Kentucky. Not having been there I cannot comment of the quality or not of a sleigh ride there. However if Mountain’s opus pretends to approximate it I would imagine that going on a ride on a sleigh in the environs of Nantucket is somewhat akin to settling down in a nice bath of hydrocloric acid whilst having your intestines threaded out of your belly button. For half an hour.

As I’ve said before music is wretched enough as it is without making it go on forever. That said there is at last some subtle irony that a thirty second snippet (hence about 0.0001 percent of the song) was used as the theme to Weekend World. After all if you had a TV news show on which you wanted to show all manner of depraved, frightening horrors of the world its best to put a big, fuck-off warning up front.