Archives – 2013 – May – 10  


Europopticomics #2
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Apropos >Mark’s earlier post, I must confess to having imbibed some lager and been in proximity to both paper and pens during Europoptimism, which partly resulted in a sign for the door and partly resulted in this.


A very old-fashioned kind of blogpost!
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I don’t really know who east sky/taktophoto is (or are)*: but his/her/their tumblr republishes sets of images gathered from all over the place (always linked to, generally captioned as per the original, never commented on). The images can be hy[…]


Lost Property Office 2-6: Monster Fun Annual
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And we are back, season two of the Lost Property Office limps stridently forward having survived a complete clearout, reorganisation and a system put in place. Which is better for the students, strike rate of returning keys and small electronic equip[…]

Latest comments on FT

  1. No offense taken! I don't have the ego to have alarms about myself. I do, still, have sufficient fondness for…

  2. Count me as one of the people oddly affected by issue 300. Although... The thing I most remember about this…