Archives – 2007 – April – 18  


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Now you may only know them for their global hit Cotton-Eyed Joe, but there is more to the fabulous Rednex than this one hit WONDER! Old Pop In An Oak! Er. And other stuff too. Their unique dance meets country style (well except for […]


BRANDWATCH: Coco Pops Creations
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Kellogg’s, ah Kellogg’s. Never has there been such a company with such an insatiable desire to stretch a brand to breaking point. You would think there was a pretty limited number of ways you could serve up cereals. Pretty much one per ce[…]


Products Which Should Exist Due To a Clever Punning Name, But Don’t: 1: The Fanta-Stick
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1: The Fanta-Stick
Possibly invented to tie in with the Christopher Ecclestone incarnation of Doctor Who, for whom this was his catchword. And seeing what we say, it is clear that the Fanta-Stick would be a slightly fizzy* orange lolly marketed by th[…]

Latest comments on FT

  1. No offense taken! I don't have the ego to have alarms about myself. I do, still, have sufficient fondness for…

  2. Count me as one of the people oddly affected by issue 300. Although... The thing I most remember about this…