Archives – 2005 – November – 30  

THE FT Top 100 Tracks of All Time No.73
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Smiley Culture – “Police Officer”
It has been 20 years since this simple song was released and about a dozen since I fell for it, playing it on a dare in an 80s disco. I have listened to it well over a hundred times, and I’m n[…]

My Sports Injury
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I will let you know who won the Weber Cup soon, and the interweb will tell you if you are antsy, but I want to share with you an honest to god sports injury I developed at the weekend. Not playing of course. Rather from watching. It involves trying t[…]

“Lenin’s Ghost!”
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No, actually, his ghost. Haunting a coffee machine![…]

Limbo Abolished
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Catholic Church to bin Limbo: OK, this sort of nonsense is diametrically opposed to science, you might think. But actually the establishment of Limbo in the 13th century seems to me a reasonable bit of scientific thinking. You have a known fact (&#82[…]

Latest comments on FT

  1. No offense taken! I don't have the ego to have alarms about myself. I do, still, have sufficient fondness for…

  2. Count me as one of the people oddly affected by issue 300. Although... The thing I most remember about this…