Archives – 2005 – September – 20  

the value of the perfect simile
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On a documentary about space travel on the Discovery channel today: “The concept of a warp drive is like a moving walkway in the airport – you compress space-time in front of you, and expand it behind you.”
Yes, exactly like a movin[…]


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ok i am PSYCHED yet SPOOKED!!
i. afflicted as i still am by CüRSE of CRåZYFRøG ear, i hunted round various “health” shops this mornin for an EAR CANDLE, but to no avail ii. then i wz havin lunch w.sistrah becky and quizzed her abt ear[…]

Turing (not) Shroud-ed in Mystery
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Another rub pun, and another link to a BBC News story, as, Frobjous Day, the brits prove themselves best at pretending to be human in the annual Loebner Prize.
Unfortunately, the Jabberwacky site is a little over-subscribed at the mo, so i don’[…]

PCGM WATCH: Anti-Welsh Probe Cost £3,800
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It turns up at the end of the article, but the delayed reaction makes it all the more pleasing. Hooray for the Freedom Of Information Act!
Anti-Welsh Probe Cost £3,800[…]

The Frog Effect
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It is like The Butterfly Effect, but the use of frogs in pregnancy tests has now spread a fungal disease which is wiping out amphibians. Hooray for old wives tales!
The wholesale importation of one species to another continent alarmingly has this kin[…]

Dumbest Comic Plot Ever #145106656756762
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One of the persistent awkward issues for writers of superhero comics is getting their top villains out of jail and back into the storylines. Many treat it as if there is no problem, and the villains have just escaped and that’s all there is to […]

Charlie And The Chomp Factory
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A Chomp was a cheap chocolate flavoured chew. Defined as such as it had barely sniffed a cocoa bean in its life, and rather was a collection of chemicals wrapped on a wham bar which simulated chocolate. It was about 8p, and since you could buy a prop[…]

Latest comments on FT

  1. Count me as one of the people oddly affected by issue 300. Although... The thing I most remember about this…

  2. Oh. Oh no. OH DAVE SIM NO. I withdraw everything I wrote about Hebrew. The fact that "bull/cow" and "fruit"…