Archives – 2004 – September – 08  

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There are plenty of television shows modeled around the ideea of Holidays From Hell. However none of them yet have use dthe sobriquet Horror Hotel, which is just as well because it is a real place in Sri Lanka.
After getting off a long f[…]

The Eurodance Encyclopaedia
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The Eurodance Encyclopaedia: A fine site – detailed and fun but not comprehensive. For instance – where is Dr Bombay?! Though perhaps I shouldn’t ask. But the absence of Alcazar is puzzling. The site does, however, feature a band ca[…]

The Oink! Song
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The Oink! Song: something to amuse you while you wait for our thrilling reportage from the Popjustice Music Prize. Oink! was a humour – toilet humour, if we’re being (nose) picky (geddit) – comic from the mid-80s. The first issue ca[…]

2000 AD has another crack at the US market
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2000 AD has another crack at the US market, this time with the might of DC backing it up. The prospects look as good as they could be (i.e. adequate) but it’s interesting that the interview barely mentions the one key difference between 2000 ma[…]

Wimbledon Station at 00:09
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Wimbledon Station at 00:09
…the magical time, at a deserted Wimbledon train station, when all the tickets machines have reset themselves in unison, all ready for me to renew my week’s travelcard, instead of having to queue in the mayhem t[…]

We’re Not Exactly Juventus
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Tonight was the first practice for the Falcons, my daughter’s U-10 soccer/football/whatever team. Ten players of varying ability and personality type. We have our talented but mercurial striker, great scavenger of other team’s mistakes, l[…]

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dir. Zhang Yimou
(There are spoilers a bit, so be warned.)
As a preface, consider The Phantom Menace. Say what you will about it (I actually rather like it but no question, post-Gollum in particular, that Jar Jar Binks was the blown opportunity[…]

Some totally unconnected things:
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Some totally unconnected things:
1) Wayne Rooney was unsettled in Merseyside, and life became harder for him there after he was signed to write a column for The Sun which attracted much anger towards him. Rooney was said to have been advised on this […]


Latest comments on FT

  1. "Dave Sim sticks the landing." That is my feeling too. As frustrating and borderline unreadable as the last 50 issues…

  2. One thing I think you missed and one thing I have to shamefacedly admit: 1) The Krazy Kat homage, brief…

  3. " ... it’s also an ominous indication of where he’s going as a creator. He’s laying out dialogue so as…

  4. LOL - I'm reading through these, and the "Jaka's Story" one drew my first reaction, and in it I said…

  5. I think the notion that conservatives can't make art is nonsense. J.R.R.Tolkien and G.K. Chesterton are two of my favorite…